
Bachelor Program in Statistics is a new program in Department of Mathematics Faculty of Science and Technology Universitas Airlangga. Previously, the department was known as Bachelor Program in Mathematics which was established in 1982 along with the establishment of other three programs at this faculty; Bachelor Programs in Physics,Chemistry, and Biology. Since 2008, those four programs turned into departments.

In 2011, the Bachelor Program in Mathematics was accredited A from BAN-PT (Indonesian National Accreditation Board).  At the same time, on February 24, 2011, the Bachelor Program in Statistics was established based on Rector Decree No.93/H3/KR/2011. This establishment was encouraged by the development of Area of Expertise Group (KBK) in Statistics at this program.

Work demands and knowledge development have challenged the Bachelor Program in Statistics Faculty of Science and technology Universitas Airlangga to adjust Indonesian Qualification Framework (KKNI) into its curriculum. This curriculum is designed based on competencies and inputs of stakeholders such as curriculum experts, academicians, stakeholders, and alumni with expertises in Statistics. This curriculum also integrates minimum competencies proposes by Forum Perguruan Tinggi Statistika Indonesia (Indonesian Forum for Statistics Higher Education-FORSTAT.

Vision and Mission


The Statistics study program’s vision is to become an excellent study program in Indonesia in the application of statistical modeling of life sciences, especially in the health, social, and economic fields. It intends to support the development of science and technology, play a role in fostering the quality of human resources to contribute to the national and international scientific community’s development, have religious morality, and preserve the environment and strive to realize the ideals of The Best Science with Morality.


The Statistics study program’s mission is to organize and develop education, research, and community services. It is particularly directed towards statistical modeling in life sciences, especially in the health, social and economic fields based on national values and religious morals.