On Saturday (June 17, 2023), the Statistics Bachelor’s Program of Airlangga University conducted community service in Tambak Sawah Village, Sidoarjo Regency. This activity was held offline by directly visiting Tambak Sawah Village in Sidoarjo Regency. Participants included students and lecturers from the Statistics Bachelor’s Program at Airlangga University.

The event began with singing the Indonesian national anthem, “Indonesia Raya,” followed by remarks from the Head of Tambak Sawah Village, Mr. Imam Fauzi, S.T., and Mr. Drs. H. Sediono, M.Si, as the Head of the Statistics Department. Mr. Drs. H. Sediono, M.Si, conveyed that this activity is interesting and hopes that through community service activities, the goal of developing the local economy can be achieved. This could be done through skills training, provision of business capital, promotion of local products, or assistance in the development of micro and small businesses.

This event also brought in a speaker, Dian Yuliasari, who serves as the Chief Marketing Officer at PT REI Skin Indonesia. She discussed Marketing Strategies Through Digital Media. Besides being a social media platform, digital media now serves as a buying and selling platform as well as a search engine. Dian Yuliasari stated that by 2030, segmentation is expected to shift to the post-millennial generation, requiring appropriate digital marketing strategies, especially for Generation X and millennials. Therefore, it is hoped that SME products can compete in the current digital era by marketing themselves digitally to stay relevant and competitive.

Through this activity, it is hoped that SME entrepreneurs in Tambak Sawah Village can enhance their knowledge and understanding of the potential and benefits of marketing through digital media. This includes improving skills and understanding of effective digital marketing strategies, including the use of social media and creating engaging content to attract customers. By leveraging digital media, SMEs can be more relevant and competitive in an increasingly digitally connected market.