“The Realization of Indonesia's Sustainable Future Through Statistics” by Statistics Student Association (HIMASTA) in ARSEN (Airlangga Statistics Event)”

Statistics Student Association (HIMASTA) Universitas Airlangga presents the ARSEN (Airlangga Atatistics Event) program to accommodate students in developing critical and innovative thinking in solutions to situations and problems with statistical methods through essay competitions, to accommodate students and students to channel creative ideas through visual concepts of data presentation with infographic competitions, and to provide an understanding of statistical methods to the public through data processing workshops. This activity was carried out for 4 days, namely on September 24, 2022, November 13, 2022, November 16, 2022, and November 20, 2022 via online through Zoom Meeting. In this activity, the Technical Meeting for the preliminary round and the final round of ASIC and ASEC, the Data Processing Workshop, the final round of ASIC and ASEC, and the closing ceremony were held.

The theme of this ARSEN activity is “The Realization of Indonesia’s Sustainable Future Through Statistics”. This activity was carried out in an essay competition, infographic competition, and workshop. The essay competition at ARSEN carries the theme “New Challenges in Exploring Indonesia’s Potential by Implementing Statistical Analysis”. The infographic competition at ARSEN carries the theme “Visualizing Indonesia’s Hidden Opportunities in Short- Term Benefits Towards a Smart Nation in 2045” and “Visualizing Indonesia’s Hidden Opportunities in Long-Term Benefits Towards a Smart Nation in 2045”, and the Workshop with the theme “Getting Closer to The Overview of Statistics for Achieving SDGs Targets in Digital Transformation Era”. This workshop also presents competent speakers to discuss problems about SDGs and provide solutions to problems in the era of digital transformation. This ARSEN activity was attended by students for the essay competition, students and high school / equivalent students for the infographic competition, and followed by the general public for the Workshop. This activity is expected to be a forum for students and students to think creatively and innovatively and be able to provide a solution to a problem in the era of digital transformation. Not only students and students, but the community is also equipped with the knowledge to solve a problem in the era of digital transformation and is able to process data using statistical methods.

Technical Meeting of ASIC Student Preliminary Round

Technical Meeting of ASEC Student Preliminary Round

Technical Meeting for ASIC and ASEC Student Final Round

ASIC and ASEC Final Round and Closing Ceremony


Activity definition, date, place

  1. Name: ARSEN (Airlangga Statistics Event) theme “The Realization of Indonesia’s Sustainable Future Through Statistics”.
  2. Mechanism: The activity was carried out for 4 days with 2 competitions held for 3 days and a workshop which was held 1 day.
  3. Implementation schedule: Saturday, September 24, 2022, Sunday, November 13, 2022, Wednesday, November 16, 2022, and Sunday, November 20, 2022.
  4. Implementation time:
    Saturday, September 24, 2022 (08.30 WIB – 11.00 WIB)
    Sunday, November 13, 2022 (07.30 WIB – 12.00 WIB)
    Wednesday, November 16, 2022 (18.50 WIB – 20.30 WIB)
    Sunday, November 20, 2022 (07.30 WIB – 15.55 WIB)
  5. Place of implementation: Via online Zoom MeetinG

Who and what roles are involved

  • Target : Students, high school students, and the community
  • Organizer : Statistics Student Association Universitas Airlangga
  • Roles involved : HIMASTA, presenters, lecturers and alumni as judges.

Impact of the activity

  • Objective: To accommodate students in developing critical and innovative thinking in solutions to situations and problems with statistical methods, to accommodate students and students to channel creative ideas through the visual concept of data presentation, and to provide an understanding of statistical methods to the community through data processing workshops. This activity is expected to have a positive impact on students, students, and the community, especially in solving problems in the era of digital transformation. This activity is expected to be useful and bring a better direction, especially for ordinary people who do not understand about data processing and digital transformation.