Statistics Study Program Holds Guest Lecture with Prof. Paulo Canas Rodrigues Discussing Multivariate Time Series Analysis

On Thursday, August 22, 2024, the Statistics Study Program held a Guest Lecture in a series of Multivariate Time Series Analysis lectures. The event, which was held from 08.50 to 10.30 WIB in the Faculty of Science and Technology courtroom, presented an expert resource person, Prof. Paulo Canas Rodrigues from the Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. He presented material with the theme “Introduction to Singular Spectrum Analysis and Hybrid Methods for Time Series Forecasting”.

In this lecture, Prof. Paulo explained the basics of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA), an important method for time series analysis that focuses on separating trend, cycle, and noise components in data. In addition, he also discussed the application of hybrid methods in time series forecasting, which can improve prediction accuracy through the combination of advanced statistical and computational techniques.

This activity supports the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in goal 4, namely quality education. By introducing cutting-edge methods in time series analysis, the Statistics Study Program provides students with the opportunity to learn from international experts and gain a deeper understanding of the techniques used in the global research world.

This guest lecture is expected to broaden students’ insight in facing increasingly complex data analysis challenges, as well as prepare them for greater contributions in research and development in the field of multivariate time series.