Statistics Study Program Holds Collaboration with Prof. Paulo Canas Rodrigues to Discuss Curriculum Re-design and Research

On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, the Statistics Study Program held an international collaboration activity with Prof. Paulo Canas Rodrigues from the Department of Statistics, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil. The event, which took place from 10:00 to 14:00 WIB, was held in Room LKMAT 5, Faculty of Science and Technology, discussing two main topics, namely curriculum re-design and research collaboration in the fields of Statistics and Data Science.

Prof. Paulo delivered a presentation entitled “Some Personal  Projects on Statistics and Data Science”, in which he explained the various research projects he has worked on, as well as the latest trends in the world of Data Science. This presentation provided new insights for lecturers and academics of the Statistics Study Program regarding teaching methods that are relevant to industry needs, as well as opening up opportunities for research collaboration with global institutions.

This activity is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially the 4th goal, namely quality education, with efforts to strengthen the curriculum and research that support technological development. This discussion aims to create a more adaptive curriculum and more innovative research, as well as prepare students to face global challenges. This collaboration is also in line with the vision to produce graduates who are ready to compete in the international workforce. With the interactive discussion, this event is expected to be able to create long-term cooperation between the Statistics Study Program and foreign universities.