Statistics Modelling for Economic and Social Sciences (SMESS)

The vision of the SMESS research group is to become a productive research working group through publications and community service results at national and international levels as a contribution to the development of statistical modeling in the economic and social fields to support the development of a civilized and religiously moral scientific society.

In line with the vision, mission, goals and development strategies of Universitas Airlangga, the mission of the SMESS research group is to organize and develop collaborative research and community service, especially statistical modeling in the economic and social fields to support the development of a civilized and religiously moral scientific society with outputs in the form of publications , and the results of community service at national and international levels.

  • Supervisor : Drs. H. Sediono, M.Si (KPS Statistics)
  • Chairman   : Dr. M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, S.Si., M.Si
  • Deputy 1     : Elly Pusporani, S.Si., M.Stat (Research)
  • Deputy 2    : Sa’idah Zahrotul Jannah, S.Si., M.Stat (Community Service)
  • Secretary    : Dita Amelia, S.Si., M.Si; Idrus Syahzaqi, S.Stat., M.Stat
  • Domestic Relations : Drs. Suliyanto, M.Si
  • Foreign Relations    : Siti Maghfirotul Ulyah, S.Si., M.Sc

A list of partners collaborating with the SMESS research group in the fields of teaching, research and community service can be accessed here

A list of student achievements under the SMESS research group can be seen here

A list of Student Publications under the SMESS Research group can be seen here
