Statistical Consulting Service Center (SCSC)


Decision-making and evaluation have been used in various fields, including business, industry, and government. This decision-making is, of course, based on relevant data and analysis. Appropriate statistical methods are needed in data processing (statistical analysis). To meet the public’s need for statistical services, the Statistics Study Program Universitas Airlangga established the “Statistical Consulting Service Center (SCSC)” to support improving the quality of researchers’ analysis, providing data analysis services for companies and governments/institutions, statistical modeling training, and computational programming.

Based on the Decree of the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Number 8802/UN3.FST/HK.04/2023 dated October 16, 2023, SCSC Universitas Airlangga is here as an answer to meet the needs of the government and stakeholders (industry, state-owned companies, and the private sector) in the field of consulting services, analysis, and data processing. Human Resources (HR) at SCSC Universitas Airlangga consists of statisticians who have experience conducting research in various social, economic, health, and life fields. This is also supported by Universitas Airlangga’s position as the second-best campus in Indonesia based on the Times Higher Education (THE) World University Ranking 2024 and the fourth-best national ranking based on the QS World University Ranking 2024, so the experience of lecturers, trainers, and researchers in the field of statistics is no doubt.

About SCSC


Providing professional statistical data analysis services for the general public, academics, and practitioners, both individually and institutionally, including educational institutions, research institutions, companies, government institutions, and others. Our services focus on the application of statistical modeling, especially in the social, economic, health, and life fields.


Educational Institutions, Research Institutions, Companies, Government Institutions, Stakeholders, and the General Public.


  • AMOS
  • Eviews
  • GeSCA
  • GWR4
  • Lisrel
  • Minitab
  • Python
  • R
  • SAS
  • SPSS
  • SmartPLS
  • WarpPLS
  • WEKA

Form of Service

Statistical Consulting Service

Consultation, Survey Design, Research Design, Hypothesis Testing, and Recommendations Results in several fields include marketing research, management, human resources, social sciences, psychology, education, law, pharmacy, health, industry, agribusiness, economics, business, health, human research development, engineering, science, life, and customer satisfaction research.

Statistical Data Analysis

Data analysis and interpretation services in several fields, including marketing research, management, human resources, social sciences, psychology, education, law, pharmacy, health, industry, agribusiness, economics, business, health, human research development, engineering, science, life, and customer satisfaction research.

Statistical Modelling Training

Holding regular training activities and providing sources for statistical data processing for every agency that requires it, both government and private.

Statistical Computing Programming

Accepting the creation of computational programs and statistical programming related to several fields including marketing research, management, human resources, social sciences, psychology, education, law, pharmacy, health, industry, agribusiness, economics, business, health, human research development, engineering, science, life, and customer satisfaction research.

For further information, you can download it here.

Contact Person:

Dita Amelia, S.Si., M.Si.
Telp: 082332821921/ E-mail:

Idrus Syahzaqi, S.Stat., M.Stat.
Telp: 085748199723/ E-mail: