Research Funding in 2021

NoResearch TitleSources and Types of FundsAmount of Funds (in Million Rupiah)
1Prediction of the Premium Adequacy Ratio to Claim Payments in the Insurance Industry in Indonesia by Considering the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic using a multivariate time series model approach and Machine learningFaculty Leading Research40.00
2B2SA Pharmacy: East Java food potential mapping application to increase National Food Security with the B2SA diet movementFaculty Leading Research40.00
3Analysis of Risk Factors for Wasting in Toddlers in Probolinggo Regency during the Covid-19 pandemic based on the Nonparametric Ordinal Logistic Regression ModelFaculty Leading Research40.00
4Spatial Modeling of Positive Covid-19 Cases in East Java based on Geographically Weighted Polynomial RegressionFaculty Leading Research40.00