Negeri Sembilan International Exposition (NSIEx) 2024

Assalamualaikum wbt and Greetings!
Dear Professor/Associate Professor/Dr/Mr./Mrs,

On behalf of the organising committee, we cordially invite all inventors to join us and celebrate the culture of innovation and commercialisation.

Registration and extended abstract submission: 1st June to 31st August 2024
Proof of Payment submission: Before 2nd September 2024
Medium: Virtual Platform
Organiser: Office of Research, Industrial Linkages, Community and Alumni, UiTM Negeri Sembilan
Registration link:

Who should join?

  • Junior Inventor (Primary and Secondary School)
  • Young Inventor (Public or Private Higher Learning Institution)
  • Professional (Academician or Industry Player)

Why join us?

  • Gain recognition for your inventions as well as compete for awards
  • Fulfilling MyATP (for UiTM academicians) from the comfort of your own office
  • Stand a chance to win ‘Best Video Awards’ for the following categories: 1) Junior Inventor 2) Young Inventor 3) Professional
  • Fee waiver for primary