Guest Lecture with the theme “Local Polynomial Estimator in Nonparametric Regression”

Friday (3/03/2023) S1 Statistics Study Program of Universitas Airlangga has held a guest lecture with the theme “Local Polynomial Estimator in Nonparametric Regression”. This guest lecture was held online through the zoom meeting media. Participants came from Universitas Airlangga Statistics study program students and general participants from various other universities. The existence of this guest lecture is expected to increase participants’ insight and knowledge about local polynomial estimation in nonparametric regression and how to apply it.

This activity began with singing the Indonesia Raya song and then opened by Dr. Sediono, M.Si as the Head of the Statistics Study Program. Dr. Sediono, M.Si said that this activity was an interesting activity and hoped that this guest lecture could be a forum for exchanging ideas and discussing future research directions.

This activity presented Prof. Dr. Dursun Aydin as the head of the statistics department of Mugla Sitki Kocman University Turkey as a speaker. In his presentation, Prof. Dursun explained about local polynomial estimation in nonparametric regression. In addition, Prof. Dursun also explained how to apply it in example problems and case studies.

This guest lecture was hosted by Kezia Eunike Darmawan as MC and Dita Amelia as moderator. The committee that organizes the course of this activity is a student of the Statistics study program at Airlangga University. Besides being held with zoom meeting media.