Brilliant Achievements of Statistics Study Program Students in ANAVA Event #18

Universitas Airlangga Statistics Study Program has received good news again. Universitas Airlangga Statistics Study Program students again achieved brilliant achievements in the ANAVA #18 event organized by the Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) Statistics Student Association. The highlight of the ANAVA #18 event was held on 17th February 2024 at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UGM, Yogyakarta. In this competition, the Statistics Study Program sent three teams that qualified to become finalists in the infographic competition. They succeeded in getting 1st place and favorite champion in the infographic competition

The Introduction to Statistics Activities Event (ANAVA) is an activity held by the Statistics Students Association (HIMASTA) FMIPA UGM once every year. This activity focuses more on the mission of disseminating statistical knowledge to people who are pursuing high school/equivalent level studies. The implementation of ANAVA itself has entered its 18th implementation since it was first implemented in 2007. ANOVA #18 carries the big theme “HOGWARTS: Harnessing Our Glorious Wizarding Ability for Gathering, Analyzing, and Transforming Statistics”. There are several series of events at the ANAVA #18 event, including the Statistics Infographics Competition (KIS) which is intended for D3, D4 and S1 students; the National Statistics Olympiad (ONS) which can be participated in by high school/equivalent level students and D3, D4 and S1 students; The One, namely Try Out for Shigh school/equivalen students; Mathematical Statistics Olympiad (OSM) which is intended for high school/ equivalent level students; and there is the Open House Statistics (OHS) which is a series of events introducing the world of statistics.

The three teams that succeeded in becoming KIS finalists were the team consisting of Adnan Syawal Adilaha Sadikin and Marcelena Vicky Galena, Statistics students at Airlangga University class of 2021 with an infographic entitled “From Zero Become One By Data”. This team won 1st place. The second team was a team whose members were Na’imatul Lu’lu’a, a Statistics student at Universitas Airlangga class of 2021 with an infographic entitled “2045 Indonesia will be free from the Middle Income Trap (MIT), is it possible?”. This team managed to win the favorite championship. The team that was another finalist consisted of Sanda Insania, Aulia Ramadhanti, a Statistics student at Universitas Airlangga class of 2022 with an infographic entitled “National Transformation: The Vital Role of PSN as the Foundation of Indonesia in the Era of Society 5.0”.

At the peak of the ANAVA #18 event, the finalist participants presented their work to the jury and answered the questions asked. They were also greeted with great fanfare at the Awarding Night which was filled with entertainment performances and dinner, followed by the announcement of the winners of each competition and closed with a documentation session.

Participation in national level competitions such as ANAVA can help promote inclusive and equitable education by providing opportunities to all participants regardless of their social, economic or ability background. Apart from that, such competitions can also help in developing skills such as problem solving, teamwork, communication, creativity and critical thinking, which are consistent with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) point 4, namely Quality Education.

In commenting on his success at ANAVA #18, Na’imatul stated, “Through this ANAVA #18 event I gained a lot of experience and benefits, such as making more friends, training my competitive spirit, and applying the knowledge I have learned during lectures. We hope that we can achieve more many achievements in the future.”

It is hoped that the achievements that have been achieved can motivate students to continue learning, evaluate themselves, and optimize their time to hone their potential and apply the knowledge gained during their studies to improve the achievements of the Statistics Study Program, both at the national and international level.