Community Service of Statistics of Airlangga University in Batu City: Strengthening Pokdarwis and Branding of Tourism Villages to Support SDGs

Batu City, August 24, 2024 — Lecturers and students of Statistics at Airlangga University held community service in Gunungsari Village, Batu City, with a focus on strengthening the management of tourist villages through Tourism Awareness Groups (Pokdarwis) and digital-based MSME branding. This activity also aims to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Settlements).

After the opening, the Head of Gunungsari Village and the Chairperson of the Batu City Tourism Village Service Committee delivered remarks, emphasizing the importance of collaboration to advance environmentally friendly and sustainable tourism.

The first material by Diana Farianti, S.S., M.M., Head of Tourism Destination and Industry, raised the theme of Pokdarwis Management and Governance. She explained the role of Pokdarwis in advancing sustainable tourism, in accordance with SDGs goal 8, which prioritizes local job creation and supports the community’s economy.

The next session, Dr. M. Fariz Fadillah, M.Sc., conveyed the importance of Tourism Village Branding. He emphasized the digitalization of MSMEs as a strategy to increase the competitiveness of local products and attract tourists, in line with the 11th SDGs goal, which focuses on developing inclusive and resilient regions.

The event ended with an interactive discussion and the hope that good management and branding of this tourism village can accelerate the achievement of SDGs at the local level and support sustainable economic development in Gunungsari Village.