In order to produce graduates with competencies as stated in the graduate profile, each graduate of Bachelor of Statistics is expected to have the following qualities:
S1/ A1 : Working together and having social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment.
S2/ A2 : Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in the field of expertise independently.
S3/ A3 : Obey the regulations that apply.
S4/ A4: Discipline in following the teaching and learning process and academic activities.
General Skill
KU1/ GS1 : Able to apply statistical methods to real problems and be able to explain in a form that is easily understood both in writing and orally.
KU2/ GS2 : Able to carry out ethics in the application of statistics.
KU3/ GS3 : Compile a scientific description of the results of the above study in the form of a final project report or final course project.
KU4/ GS4: Able to document, store, secure, and retrieve data to ensure validity and prevent plagiarism.
P1/ K1 : Correctly explain statistical and mathematical theoretical concepts according to their definitions.
P2/ K2 : Describes several statistical methodologies (methods and modeling) to be used in solving problems in several fields, either with or without software
P3/ K3 :Create an algorithm for solving a problem correctly.
P4/ K4: Design the stages of data analysis correctly.
P5/ K5 :Designing a data analysis consulting business framework that fits the needs of society properly, based on religious morality.
Special Skill
KK1/ SS1 : Explain the basic concepts of statistical science and methods of statistical analysis that can be applied to various applied fields.
KK2/ SS2 : Operate at least two statistical software, including software based on open sources.
KK3/ SS3 : Appropriately apply appropriate statistical methods to specific problems in the life, economic and social fields.
KK4/ SS4: Collect data with the appropriate method correctly
KK5/ SS5 : Determine the appropriate statistical method according to the existing problems.