3,277 / 5,000 Community Service Activities at Sobo Health Center, Banyuwangi: Utilization of Information Technology for Education and Determination of Toddler Nutritional Status

Banyuwangi, Saturday, 29th June  2024 – In order to achieve nutrition-aware families, Sobo Health Center, Banyuwangi held a community service activity entitled “Utilization of Information Technology for the OSS-R-Shiny Program Based on Android and WEB Applications for Education and Determination of Toddler Nutritional Status”. This event was held on Saturday, 29th June  2024 and was attended by participants both online via Zoom and offline at Sobo Health Center.
This activity began at 07.45 WIB with online participants who had entered the Zoom meeting and offline participants who were already present at Sobo Health Center. The event began with the screening of the Profile Video of the Statistics Study Program, FST Unair. At 08.00 WIB, the host Wiorita Pradianingsih, SST, opened the event by delivering a rundown of the activities. The event was then continued by singing the Indonesian National Anthem and the Airlangga Hymn. The welcoming speech was given by the Head of Sobo Health Center, followed by a welcoming speech and opening of the community service activity and a prayer reading by the Coordinator of the Statistics Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, UNAIR, Mr. Drs. H. Sediono, M.Si.
Next, at 08.15 WIB, participants were given a pre-test in the form of a Google Form whose link was shared via WA Group. The main material began at 08.30 WIB, with a session of providing material and questions and answers regarding education and knowledge of toddler nutrition to achieve nutrition-aware families, delivered by Mrs. Lailatul Muniroh, S.KM., M.Kes. from the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Public Health, UNAIR via Zoom, moderated by Dr. Ardi Kurniawan, M.Si. This session lasted until 10.00 WIB, followed by a 15-minute post-test.
To lighten the mood, an ice breaker was held in the form of guessing the logo at 10.15 WIB. Then, at 10.30 WIB, Mrs. Dr. Nur Chamidah, M.Si. providing knowledge and skills material in determining the nutritional status of toddlers and presenting toddler growth graphs using WEB and R-Shiny-based information technology, as well as practice. This session lasted until 11.10 WIB. Furthermore, at 11.10 WIB, Mr. Dr. Toha Saifudin, M.Si. provided similar material but based on Android, as well as practice.
At 11.40 WIB, participants were asked to fill out a feedback questionnaire on community service activities via Google Form, the link of which was shared via WA Group. Then, another ice breaking was held in the form of guessing the song title at 11.45 WIB. The event continued with the presentation of souvenirs in the form of plaques to the Head of the Sobo Health Center by the Coordinator of the UNAIR Statistics Study Program at 12.00 WIB. The results of the questionnaire were then delivered, accompanied by announcements and prizes for online and offline participants with the highest points during ice breaking and based on the highest pre-test and post-test scores. The event was closed by the Head of the Activity, Mrs. Dr. Nur Chamidah, M.Si., at 12.30 WIB.

This activity is expected to increase community knowledge and skills regarding the importance of toddler nutrition and the use of information technology in supporting family health and welfare.